Thurber books now available.
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Benefits Thurber Cemetery Assn. |
Nationwide, there are several hundred thousand people whose
roots go back to Thurber. Thurber preservation projects to date include
RESTORATION of the century old Thurber Cemetery with over 1000 graves;
MOVING back to Thurber and restoring historic St. Barbara's Church;
RESTORING and furnishing a typical coal miners house; BUILDING two bocci
ball courts where a State Championship Tournament is held each year;
RESTORING a train car which carried miners to work; ERECTING eight State
Historical Markers within a one mile radius of Thurber; DISPLAYING on
New York Hill a large bronze plaque overview of Thurber's significant
buildings and sites; PRODUCING the VHS tape A Boom Town To Ghost Town which
has been shown several times on national TV.
Contact Leo Bielinski lsbielinski@earthlink.net
Website copyright
© 1999 - 2010 by Leo S. Bielinski

Plaque presented to the Thurber Historical
Association / Thurber, Texas Web site on November 7, 1999 for their heroic
contributions to the preservation of Texas history. Award image © Texas
Ghost Towns